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  1. The main risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR) are chronic hyperglycemia, disease duration and systemic blood pressure. So far chronic hyperglycemia is the strongest evi...

    Authors: Jorge Esteves, Carolina Maurente da Rosa, Caroline Kaercher Kramer, Luiz Eduardo Osowski, Stéfano Milano and Luís Henrique Canani
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:13
  2. Pancreas transplantation is an invasive procedure that can restore and maintain normoglycemic level very successfully and for a prolonged period in DM1 patients. The procedure elevates the morbimortality rates...

    Authors: João R de Sá, Patricia T Monteagudo, Érika B Rangel, Cláudio S Melaragno, Adriano M Gonzalez, Marcelo M Linhares, Alcides Salzedas, Maria-Deolinda F Neves, Camila Stela and José O Medina-Pestana
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:11
  3. Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic renal disease and a major cause of cardiovascular mortality. Diabetic nephropathy has been categorized into stages: microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria. T...

    Authors: Themis Zelmanovitz, Fernando Gerchman, Amely PS Balthazar, Fúlvio CS Thomazelli, Jorge D Matos and Luís H Canani
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:10
  4. No formulation of exogenous insulin available to date has yet been able to mimic the physiological nictemeral rhythms of this hormone, and despite all engineering advancements, the theoretical proposal of deve...

    Authors: Maria Lúcia Corrêa-Giannella and Alexandre S Raposo do Amaral
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:9
  5. There is a significant association between insulin resistance and low cardiorespiratory fitness in nondiabetic subjects. In a population with risk factors for type 2 diabetes (T2DM), before they are insulin re...

    Authors: Silmara AO Leite, Arlene M Monk, Paul A Upham, Antonio R Chacra and Richard M Bergenstal
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:8
  6. The association of type II diabetes mellitus (DM2) with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has received considerable attention in recent years. In the present paper, a hypothesis for this association from an evolutionar...

    Authors: Gilberto NO Brito
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:7
  7. This review reports the evidence for a relation between long-term coffee intake and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Numerous epidemiological studies have evaluated this association and, at this moment, at le...

    Authors: Gustavo D Pimentel, Juliane CS Zemdegs, Joyce A Theodoro and João F Mota
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:6
  8. In a population at risk for type 2 diabetes (T2DM), we assessed early physical and metabolic markers that predict progression from normal to impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and T2DM.

    Authors: Silmara AO Leite, Robyn L Anderson, David M Kendall, Arlene M Monk and Richard M Bergenstal
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:5
  9. The use of stem cells to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus has been proposed for many years, both to downregulate the immune system and to provide β cell regeneration.

    Authors: Júlio C Voltarelli and Carlos Eduardo Barra Couri
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:4
  10. In this study, we sought to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in a cohort of pregnant women with a wide range of glucose tolerance, prepregnancy risk factors for MS during pregnancy, and the e...

    Authors: Carlos A Negrato, Lois Jovanovic, Alex Rafacho, Marcos A Tambascia, Bruno Geloneze, Adriano Dias and Marilza VC Rudge
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:3
  11. Diabetes is a disease of increasing worldwide prevalence and is the main cause of chronic renal failure. Type 1 diabetic patients with chronic renal failure have the following therapy options: kidney transplan...

    Authors: Érika B Rangel, João R de Sá, Cláudio S Melaragno, Adriano M Gonzalez, Marcelo M Linhares, Alcides Salzedas and José O Medina-Pestana
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2009 1:2

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The official journal of the Brazilian Diabetes Society.

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