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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants without diabetes at baseline

From: Current and past depression as risk factors for incident type 2 diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes in men and women: evidence from a longitudinal community cohort


Overall (n = 11,432)

Men (n = 5731)

Women (n = 5692)

Age (mean (SD))

53.84 (10.80)

53.95 (10.86)

53.74 (10.74)

Women (%)

5692 (49.8)


SES (mean (SD))

13.37 (4.39)

14.14 (4.50)

12.59 (4.13)

PHQ-9 (mean (SD))

3.98 (3.46)

3.54 (3.30)

4.42 (3.57)

Current depression, PHQ-9 ≥ 10 (%)

787 (7.0)

310 (5.5)

477 (8.5)

Depression statusa

 No depression (%)

9609 (85.1)

5047 (89.2)

4562 (81.0)

 HD (%)

898 (8.0)

304 (5.4)

594 (10.5)

 CD (%)

405 (3.6)

188 (3.3)

217 (3.9)

 PD (%)

378 (3.3)

120 (2.1)

258 (4.6)

BMI (mean (SD))

26.84 (4.60)

27.40 (3.97)

26.27 (5.11)

Packyears of smoking (mean (SD))

4.26 (10.31)

5.09 (11.66)

3.47 (8.76)

Prediabetesc (%)

3386 (29.6)

1712 (29.9)

1674 (29.4)

HbA1c (mean (SD))

5.42 (0.43)

5.43 (0.42)

5.42 (0.44)

CRP (mean (SD))

2.63 (4.73)

2.42 (4.15)

2.84 (5.24)

Antidepressant with weight effect (%)

147 (1.3)

41 (0.7)

106 (1.9)

Weight-neutral antidepressant (%)

318 (2.8)

109 (1.9)

209 (3.7)

Diabetesb at F/U (%)

455 (4.0)

266 (4.7)

189 (3.3)

Prediabetesc at F/U (%)

3782 (33.2)

1847 (32.3)

1935 (34.2)

  1. aClassification of depression status: current depression is defined by PHQ-9 ≥ 10, prior depression is based on patient’s report of a prior diagnosis of depression (history of depression)
  2. bDiabetes defined by intake of antidiabetic medication and/or previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or HbA1c ≥ 6.5%
  3. cPre-diabetes defined by HbA1c 5.7–6.4% (following the American Diabetes Association criteria)
  4. SES socioeconomic status, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire—Depression Module, HD history of depression (without current depression as defined by PHQ-9 ≥ 19), CD current depression (PHQ-9 ≥ 10, without history of depression), PD persistent depression (history of depression and current depression as defined by PHQ-9 ≥ 10), BMI body mass index, HbA1c glycated hemoglobin concentration, CRP C-reactive protein