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Table 1 Insulin initiation and titration using the algorithm

From: Efficacy and safety of basal-bolus insulin at 1:1.5 ratio compared to 1:1 ratio using a weight-based initiation and titration (WIT2) algorithm in hospitalized patients with type 2 Diabetes: a multicenter, randomized, clinical study


1:1.5 Glargine


1:1 Glargine 



0.2 U/kg

0.1 U/kg

0.2 U/kg

0.2 U/kg×1/3

Titration (day)

+ 0.1 U/kg

+ 0.05 U/kg

+ 0.1 U/kg

+ 0.1 U/kg×1/3


− 0.1 U/kg

− 0.05 U/kg

− 0.1 U/kg

− 0.1 U/kg×1/3

  1. Glargine was titrated based on FBG target level of <7.8 mmol/L; Aspart was titrated based on 2hBG target level of <10.0 mmol/L. U, units