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Fig. 3 | Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome

Fig. 3

From: Associations of non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors and body mass index with metabolic syndrome in the Chinese elderly population

Fig. 3

Proportion of association of non-traditional CVRF with MetS mediated by BMI in demographic subgroups. A: HUA; B: HHCY; C: HHsCRP. After excluding specific demographic confounders included at the time of specific subgroup analysis, adjusted for age group, gender, occupation, education, monthly income, current smoking, current drinking, physical activity, ASCVD, liver, kidney, and thyroid dysfunction. Abbreviations: CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; MetS, metabolic syndrome; HUA, hyperuricemia; HHCY, hyperhomocysteinemia; HHsCRP, high hypersensitive C-reactive protein; ASCVD, arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CI, confidence interval

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