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Table 2 Unadjusted associations between covariates and CRP

From: Association between fasting insulin and C-reactive protein among adults without diabetes using a two-part model: NHANES 2005–2010


β (p-value)

Age, years

0.06 (< .001)*



0.0 (Reference)


1.07 (< .001)*



0.0 (Reference)


− 0.01 (.959)


0.57 (.017)*


− 1.41 (< .001)*

 Poverty-income ratio

− 0.30 (< .001)*



0.0 (Reference)

 Current smoker

0.69 (.011)*

Physical activity


0.0 (Reference)


− 1.89 (< .001)*

Fasting Insulin, pmol/L

0.03 (< .001)*

  1. White: Non-Hispanic White; Mexican/Hispanic: Mexican or other Hispanic ethnicity; Black: non-Hispanic Black; Other/multi: other race or Multiracial
  2. p-value calculated using GLM. Reference is the reference group used in the regression, so p-value not provided
  3. *Significant at p-value of .05
  4. National estimates based on complex survey design