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Table 2 Characteristics of 343 participants according to the presence of metabolic syndrome

From: Metabolic syndrome is associated with better quality of sleep in the oldest old: results from the “Mugello Study”


Participants with metabolic syndrome (n = 75)

Participants without metabolic syndrome (n = 268)


N (%), mean (SD) or median (interquartile range) [traditional units]

 Demographics and lifestyle habits

  Age (years)

92 (3)

93 (3)


  Sex (female)

59 (79)

177 (66)


  Education (years)

5 (3–5)

5 (3–6)


  Alcohol consumption (mL/day)

4.7 (.7)

4.6 (.8)


  Smoking (total lifetime pack years)

4867 (3650–7300)

3650 (1217–7300)


  Mediterranean diet score

34.0 (4.0)

34.3 (3.5)


  Living in nursing home

7 (9)

22 (8)




35 (47)

89 (33)



39 (52)

141 (53)



19 (26)

34 (13)


  Platelet antiaggregants

32 (43)

104 (39)



9 (12)

54 (20)



19 (25)

42 (16)



5 (7)

21 (8)


  Analgesics or oppioids

6 (8)

20 (7)


  Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

13 (17)

34 (13)



4 (5)

13 (5)



0 (0)

1 (.4)


 Comorbid conditions

  Charlson comorbidity Index

1 (0–6)

1 (0–3)


  Heart failure

13 (18)

66 (26)


  Chronic pulmonary disease

10 (14)

38 (15)


  Stroke or cerebrovascular disease

16 (22)

51 (20)


  Peripheral arterial disease

13 (18)

53 (21)



1 (1)

7 (3)


  Hepatic disease

3 (4)

2 (1)



2 (3)

14 (5)


 Physical and cognitive performance

  Mini mental state examination

21.2 (8.0)

21.6 (7.2)


  Disability in BADL

34 (45)

127 (47)


  Disability in IADL

67 (89)

227 (85)


  Short physical performance battery

6 (2)

6 (3)


  Body mass index (kg/m2)

27.4 (4.1)

24.9 (4.8)


  Pittsburgh sleep quality assessment

6 (4)

8 (4)


 Biohumoral parameters

  Glomerular filtration rate (mL/min)

37.2 (16.0)

40.0 (17.0)


  Hemoglobin (g/L) [g/dL]

124 (16) [12.4 (1.6)]

130 (15) [13.0 (1.5)]


  Total serum proteins (g/dL) [g/L]

64 (7) [6.4 (.7)]

65 (6) [6.5 (.6)]


  Albumin (proportion of 1) [%]

.57 (.05) [56.9 (4.8)]

.58 (.04) [56.7 (4.4)]


  C-reactive protein (nmol/L) [mg/L]

3.43 (1.52–7.43) [.44 (.16–.78)]

2.67 (1.43–6.67) [.28 (.15–.70)]
