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Table 2 Patients comparison based on the presence or absence of ≥ 40% PPG > 160 mg/dL

From: Prevalence of postprandial hyperglycaemia in basal insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with controlled fasting glycaemia and elevated glycosylated haemoglobin

Patients with at least 40% PPG measurements > 160 mg/dL

No (N = 38)

Yes (N = 55)


Sex (male/female)

19/19 (50.0/50.0%)

33/19 (60.0/50.0%)

0.3982 (a)

Age (years)

65.0 (10.8)

64.0 (10.6)

0.6776 (b)

BMI (kg/m2)

30.1 (6.0)

29.7 (4.6)

0.7069 (b)

Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

140.1 (16.3)

137.7 (15.2)

0.4653 (b)

Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

79.9 (9.5)

76.6 (8.8)

0.0885 (b)

Total cholesterol (mg/dL)

166.2 (32.5)

163.6 (30.8)

0.7034 (b)

Triglycerides (mg/dL)

148.0 (90.2)

153.7 (101.5)

0.7816 (b)

LDL cholesterol (mg/dL)

88.8 (34.1)

91.8 (27.8)

0.6394 (b)

HDL colesterol (mg/dL)

51.7 (19.6)

43.8 (11.5)

0.0318 (b)

Time since diagnosis (years)

14.5 (8.9)

17.3 (8.0)

0.1231 (b)

 ≤ 2 years

3 (7.9%)

0 (0.0%)

0.0302 (c)

 2.1 to 5 years

3 (7.9%)

2 (3.6%)

 5.1 to 10 years

6 (15.8%)

8 (14.5%)

 > 10 years

26 (68.4%)

45 (81.8%)

HbA1c (%)

7.8 (0.5)

8.0 (0.5)

0.0912 (b)

HbA1c (mmol/mol)

62 (5)

64 (5)

Treatment with basal insulin: final dose (units/day)

31.1 (16.1)

31.1 (17.6)

0.9869 (a)

 Years of treatment

5.0 (4.7)

5.6 (4.4)

0.5474 (b)

Treatment with ADO

33 (86.8%)

49 (89.1%)

0.7543 (a)

 Years of treatment

9.2 (7.5)

11.7 (7.1)

0.1283 (b)

Treatment with metformin

30 (78.9%)

45 (81.8%)

0.7927 (a)

 Years of treatment

9.8 (7.6)

10.4 (6.6)

0.7361 (b)

Treatment with DPP-4 Inhibitor

8 (21.1%)

20 (36.4%)

0.1673 (a)

 Years of treatment

1.9 (1.5)

2.6 (1.8)

0.2983 (b)

Treatment with sulfonylurea

8 (21.1%)

21 (38.2%)

0.1110 (a)

 Years of treatment

6.7 (4.9)

12.7 (7.2)

0.0379 (b)

  1. Data are shown as n (%) or mean (SD). (a) Exact-Fisher, (b) independent T-student, (c) exact-Mantel–Haenszel
  2. Italic values indicate statistically significant comparison