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Fig. 1 | Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome

Fig. 1

From: Multiple poor sleep characteristics and metabolic abnormalities consistent with metabolic syndrome among white, black, and Hispanic/Latina women: modification by menopausal status

Fig. 1

Prevalence of sleep characteristics by race/ethnicity and metabolic abnormalities consistent with metabolic syndrome (MetS) among a premenopausal and b postmenopausal participants, Sister Study (2003–2009), N = 38,007. h hours. Data presented as percentages of participants reporting each sleep characteristics and mean (of cumulative sleep score) within each race/ethnicity/MetS category. Inconsistent weekly sleep patterns indicated whether participants reported consistent (could vary day-by-day but were stable from week-to-week) or inconsistent wake-up times and bedtimes during the prior 6 weeks. Sleep debt was defined as ≥ 2-h difference between average longest and shortest sleep duration. Insomnia symptoms included difficulty falling asleep, defined as taking > 30 min vs. ≤ 30 min to fall asleep on average, or difficulty staying asleep, defined as waking up ≥ 3 times per night ≥ 3 nights/week vs. < 3 times per night < 3 nights/week vs. neither. Cumulative sleep score was the sum of yes responses to the main sleep characteristics (short sleep duration, inconsistent weekly sleep patterns, sleep debt, frequent napping, and insomnia symptoms [range: 0–5]). < 0.2% missingness for sleep medication use, habitual sleep duration category, consistent sleep pattern, sleep debt, napping, insomnia symptoms, difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, cumulative sleep score

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