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Table 6 Multiple regression analyses of association between insulin resistance and exercise capacity in ischemic (Panel A) and non-ischemic (Panel B) patients

From: Insulin levels and HOMA index are associated with exercise capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease

Panel A





VO2peak (mL/kg/min)

β = -0.369a

β = -0.190b

β = -0.432a

β = -0.315b

p = 0.021

p = 0.325

p = 0.003

p = 0.079

Panel B


VO2peak (mL/kg/min)

β = -0.205a

β = -0.030b

β = -0.289c

β = -0.180d

p = 0.075

p = 0.810

p = 0.005

p = 0.101

  1. VO2peak as dependent variable, and insulin and HOMA2-IR as independent variables. Adjusted for aage and gender, bage, gender and BMI, cage, gender and current smoking, dage, gender, current smoking and BMI.
  2. $ Patients on insulin treatment excluded.