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Archived Comments for: The effect of vitamin D on insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes

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  1. response to a comment

    afsaneh talaei, Arak university

    27 June 2013

    Dear Lucy

    I am grateful for your contact and the comments

    My explantations are following:

    1-Correct reference for ( in Introduction reference to 5677 subjects with insulin resistance and vitamin D supplementation) is Scragg R, Holdaway I, Singh V, Metcalf P, Baker J, Dryson E.Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 1995 Mar;27(3):181-8. I excuse about that.

    2-We discuss about ( why patients with baseline vitamin D concentration higher than 60 ng/ml did not benefit from the vitamin D supplementation while those with 40-60 ng/ml did) in second paragraph in section of Discussion. Paradox effects of vitamin D maybe due to the different doses of it.One explantation could be that vitamin D has it,s effects on insulin resistance in a specific level and in lower or higher level or doses ,it may have paradox effects maybe because of the effects on different genes in nucleus and DNA.The difference of results of different studies about the effect of vitamin D on insulin resistance maybe due to different dosage and serum levels for vitamin D that used in different studies.

    3- We suggest a model for predicting Fasting Plasma Glucose. It should be used in more studies and different clinical trials to know more about it,s value.

    Dr Talaei

    Competing interests

    None declared
