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Fig. 1 | Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome

Fig. 1

From: Metabolomics analysis of serum and urine in type 1 diabetes patients with different time in range derived from continuous glucose monitoring

Fig. 1

OPLS-DA plots and hierarchical clustering analysis of differentially abundant metabolites. A T1D patients compared with control serum samples. B T1D patients compared with control urine samples. C TIR-H versus TIR-L subgroup of serum samples. D TIR-H versus TIR-L subgroup of urine samples. The left figures are OPLS-DA score plots. The horizontal axis represents intergroup differences, while the vertical axis represents intragroup differences. The right figures are heatmaps of hierarchical clustering analysis. The shift from blue to red indicates an increase in content. Each row represents a potential biomarker, and each column represents a sample. TIR, time in range; TIR-H, high TIR group; TIR-L, low TIR group; OPLS-DA, orthogonal partial least-squares discrimination analysis

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