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Table 1 Socio-demographic of the 127,977 diabetic subjects at 2009

From: Five-year change of clinical and complications profile of diabetic patients under primary care: a population-based longitudinal study on 127,977 diabetic patients


Subjects (N = 127,977)

Socio-demographic, (mean ± SD)

 Age, year

64.0 ± 11.2


52.5 %


47.5 %



55.8 %


44.2 %

 Smoking status


77.7 %

  Current smoker

5.6 %


16.7 %

 Drinking status


76.4 %

  Current drinker

2.8 %

  Social drinker

12.9 %


7.8 %

 Education level

  No formal education/primary

20.1 %


39.6 %


35.6 %


4.7 %

 Duration of DM, year

7.1 ± 6.0

  ≤5 years

41.7 %

  5–10 years

30.0 %

  >10 years

28.3 %

  1. DM diabetes mellitus, BMI body mass index, HbA1c haemoglobin A1c, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, TC total cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, ACR albumin/creatinine ratio