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Table 2 Profiles of hypertensive patients who were statins users versus non-users

From: Statins use is associated with poorer glycaemic control in a cohort of hypertensive patients with diabetes and without diabetes


Statin users (n = 810)

Statin non users (n = 250)


95% CI

Mean (SD) age (years)

62.23 (9.81)

61.16 (12.16)


-2.725, 0.586

DM [n(%)]

415 (81.9)

92 (18.1)



Non DM [n(%)]

395 (71.4)

158 (28.6)


On DM medication [n(%)]

391 (83.7)

76 (16.3)



Not on DM medication [n(%)]

419 (70.7)

174 (29.3)



n = 444

n = 110


Mean IFCC unit (SD) mmol/mol

59 (19)

52 (16)


-10.378, -2.801

Mean NGSP unit (SD) %

7.5 (1.7)

6.9 (1.5)


-0.942, -0.247


n = 746

n = 219


Mean (SD) mmol/L

6.63 (2.49)

6.05 (1.93)


-0.886, -0.261

  1. DM=Diabetes mellitus; HbA1c=Glycated haemoglobin; FBG=Fasting blood glucose.
  2. IFCC = International Federation of Clinical Chemistry; NGSP = National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program.
  3. #Most recent result in the past one year.
  4. *Independent sample t-test.
  5. **Chi-square test.