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Table 4 Sensitivity analysis on the association between microalbuminuria and the metabolic syndrome or its components

From: Microalbuminuria in relation to the metabolic syndrome and its components in a Chinese population

The metabolic syndrome component

Number (Prevalence, %)

Adjusted odds ratio (95% CI)*

P value

Central obesity

248 (33.2)

1.53 (0.47-5.03)


Elevated blood pressure

193 (25.8)

2.20 (0.90-5.40)


Elevated fasting plasma glucose

66 (8.8)

2.30 (0.83-6.42)


Elevated serum triglycerides

210 (28.1)

1.65 (0.66-4.12)


Reduced serum HDL cholesterol

52 (7.0)

1.88 (0.54-6.50)


The metabolic syndrome

64 (8.6)

5.13 (1.96-13.45)


  1. CI, confidence interval; HDL, high density lipoprotein.
  2. * Adjusted for sex, age, body mass index, current smoking, current alcoholic intake and use of antihypertensive drugs (except for analyses on elevated blood pressure and in subjects not taking antihypertensive medication) and additionally for the other components of the metabolic syndrome (except for analyses on the metabolic syndrome).