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Table 1 The basic information

From: Is compromised intestinal barrier integrity responsible for the poor prognosis in critically ill patients with pre-existing hyperglycemia?


 Sex (male/female)


 Age, y

65 (45, 76.5)

 HbA1c, %

5.9 (5.2, 6.85)

 FBG, mmol/L

7.67 (6.11, 10.24)

Intestinal barrier biomarkers


24.1 (10.11, 37.1)

 D-lactate, mg/L

35.83 (19.25, 52.72)


10.31 (6.28, 18.85)

Infection and immunity

 WBC, 10^9/L

15.14 ± 7.72

 NEU proportion, %

91.1 (88.0, 93.9)

 CRP, mg/L

70.1 (16.75, 172.8)

 Procalcitonin, µg/L

2.05 (0.66, 9.32)

 HLA-DR, %

45.45 (30.43, 63.65)

 Temperature, ℃

38.2 (37.45, 38.75)

Respiratory and circulatory system

 Oxygenation index

260 (197, 340)

 Respiratory rate, RPM

23 (19.5, 25)

 Heart rate, RPM

108 (88, 122)

 MAP, mmHg

66.67 (60.67, 81.33)

 Artery blood pH

7.36 (7.27, 7.41)

 Lactate, mmol/L

3.2 (1.8, 5.1)

 Dosage of NE, ug/kg/min

0.13 (0, 0.43)

Renal function

 Urea nitrogen, mmol/L

8.2 (5.35, 11.5)

 Creatinine, µmol/L

105.8 (72.25, 166.9)

 AKI morbidity (N)

35.8% (39)

Liver function


38 (18.5, 87)


45 (27.5, 92)

 Total bilirubin, µmol/L

20.4 (12.95, 32.05)

 Direct bilirubin, µmol/L

10.2 (6.3, 17.45)

 Total protein, g/L

51.42 ± 12.96

 Albumin, g/L

28.01 ± 7.91

 Prealbumin, mg/L

148.76 ± 82.48

Disease severity and prognosis


16 (11, 21)


7 (6, 9.5)

 LOS in hospital, day

22 (12, 40.5)

 LOS in ICU, day

6 (3, 14)

 90-day mortality (N)

17.6% (19)

  1. HbA1c hemoglobin A1c, FBG fasting blood glucose, DAO diamine oxidase, LPS lipopolysaccharide, WBC white blood cell, NEU neutrophil, CRP C-reactive protein, RPM rate per minute, MAP mean arterial pressure, NE norepinephrine, AKI acute kidney injury, ALT alanine transaminase, AST aspartate transaminase, APACHE II acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, LOS length of stay