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Table 2 Glycemia of control, severe diabetic and mild diabetic rats throughout pregnancy and of newborns

From: Animal models for clinical and gestational diabetes: maternal and fetal outcomes


Control (n = 16)

Severe diabetes (n = 18)

Mild diabetes (n = 6)

Prior mating

84.33 ± 0.76

343.56 ± 14,36a, b

177.12 ± 45.53

Day 0

78.17 ± 3.89

351.78 ± 12.79a, b

186.67 ± 26.04a

Day 7

77.67 ± 3.68

294.11 ± 11.01a, b

177.67 ± 32.84a

Day 14

77.17 ± 5.85

327.44 ± 12.70a, b

179.69 ± 39.85a

Day 21

79.83 ± 6.65

322.61 ± 17.95a, b

170.67 ± 30.21a


68.25 ± 7.94

464.33 ± 28.95a, b

115.9 ± 37.57

  1. Glycemia (mean ± standard error of mean) were taken prior to mating and on days 0, 7, 14 and 21 of pregnancy from rats injected with citrate buffer solution (control), streptozotocin as adults (severe diabetes) and streptozotocin during the neonatal period (mild diabetes). Blood pool glycemia was determined from three newborns from each litter. aP < 0.05 - statistically significant difference compared to control group (Student Newman Keuls);
  2. bP < 0.05 - statistically significant difference compared to mild diabetes group (Student Newman Keuls).